
Jiangxi's First 470 × 1500mm Double Stair Step Brick Put into Production

2023-04-05 10:16

2022Year9Month26Japan, Jiangxi Jin Weiguan470×1500mmThe production of double stair step bricks is the receipt of this specification of stair step brick line in Jiangxi production area. The international exhibition hall of Jin Proview Porcelain Capital focuses on the latest research and development products of Jin Proview. The "invisible champion" in the field of staircase stepping bricks in the ceramic tile industry-Jin Proview Building Materials Innovation and Fruitfulness Again!

Jiangxi Golden Proview Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Company address: Sixi Section of 320 National Highway, Shanggao County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province

Gao 'an Exhibition Hall: Xinjie Porcelain Capital International, Gao 'an City, Jiangxi Province

Little Red Book

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