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A company specializing in the production of various specifications of ceramic tiles, including large-scale enterprises of marble, full-body Yunfu stone and step bricks in 750*1500, 470*1500, 470*1350, 470*1200, 470*1000, 600*1200, 600*900, 800*800mm and other specifications.

keyword:Marble | Full body Yunfu Stone | Step Brick


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Ceramic tile is a kind of acid and alkali resistant porcelain or stone, which is formed by the process of grinding, mixing, pressing, glazing and sintering of refractory metal oxides and semi metal oxides. It is called ceramic tile. Its raw materials are mostly clay, quartz sand, after high temperature compression and so on mixed, with high hardness.

The surface of the brick is not glazed, and the material and color of the front and back are the same, so it is named the brick.
The full-body brick is a kind of wear-resistant brick. Although there are varieties such as the full-body brick, the full-body brick is relatively inferior to the glazed brick. As the interior design is more and more inclined to plain color design, so the whole body brick is becoming more and more a fashion, the whole body brick is widely used in hall, corridor and outdoor walkway decoration project ground, generally less will be used for wall, and most of the non-slip brick are all body brick.
The common specifications of full-body bricks are 300 × 300mm, 300 × 600mm, 400 × 400mm, 500 × 500mm, 600 × 600mm, 800 × 800mm, 900 × 900mm, 1000 × 1000mm, etc.
Advantages: Because the surface is rough, the wear resistance and slip resistance are all good tiles.
Disadvantages: its unique structure determines the texture of the brick, the effect of a single, decorative effect is poor.



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Jiangxi Golden Proview Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Company address: Sixi Section of 320 National Highway, Shanggao County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province

Gao 'an Exhibition Hall: Xinjie Porcelain Capital International, Gao 'an City, Jiangxi Province

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